Serpentine roads are plentiful in Montenegro. It's a great experience. You can stop on your way to enjoy scenic breathtaking views. However, if your idea of good time in the sea is to be seasick and occasionally join those who puke into paper bags on the deck, take my advice and don't rent a car. Take a bus, close your eyes, listen to music, and doze off. When they wake you up, all will be behind you. You will be all smiles and will have difficulty trying to understand why some bus passengers look so pale. Ignorance is bliss!
Then again, if of all amusements in the amusement park your favorite is the roller coaster, go for it! Rent a car and travel all around the country. It will take you two to three days. If you tend to faint easily, more. To make hairpin curves more scary, now and then road maintenance crews either don't mount any barrier, or fence, on the edge of an abyss, or just take fences away. This public service is tax free.
I can provide only photos of those mountain roads that had fences. Passengers of both our rented cars refused point blank even to look into unfenced abysses, to say nothing of taking pictures. But when you finally arrive at a church or monastery tucked away in the mountains, your prayer becomes sincere. I saw people with pale faces, mostly Russian tourists, who prayed long and earnestly, maybe for the first time in their life.